Sunday, October 29, 2006
Daylight savings
I love daylight savings switch overs... this morning I got up and it was 9:40am. I got up to get my ipod which was connected to my laptop and noticed the time was 8:40.. so I got to do two 9:40am's... love it!
Sunday, October 22, 2006
The boys are back in town
Yesterday we saw Port take on Geelong at Brit Oval ("where we took back the Ashes" ... excuse me while I vomit on myself). Luckily it didn't rain and we had a good view of the ground. Unluckily, Port lost by a few goals but we at least got some live footy action (which has been sorely missed)
Brit Oval
Which reads "In affectionate rememberance of Australian Cricket which died at the oval on 12th September, 2005. Hugely celebrated by a large circle of laughing Englishmen & women. RIP The body will be cremated and the ashes will forever be displayed at Lord's and never be taken to Australia". HAR HAR HAR...
The ground. 20,000 capacity, a lot smaller than I thought.
Leah and I just having a few quiet Saturday evening beverages amongst friends at the Walkabout.
Oh, and who do we have here?? Why it's Chaddles! (a.k.a Capt Hotstuff), fancy that.
And his mate, Tredders (what a highly attractive unbuttoned shirt.. WKW! (Blerch)). He was actually one of the nicer guys.. he asked me how long I was planning to stay in London.. I said if Port make the finals I'd be home in a flash ;)
More to follow...

More to follow...
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Not the best
... weather or flattering photo, but here is just part of Sardina's coastline. We were lucky.. it was probably around 24/25 degrees this day and the water was relatively warm. We didn't care, the sea air smell was too inviting and we knew it would be too long before we had this chance again!

And here's a sunnier looking Sardinia. A richer looking part also. Ahhh to live the life..

And the mongrel patrol... (once again I have the knack of cocking up a potentially nice photo)

(Me, Leah, Jess, Carol & Rodda)

And here's a sunnier looking Sardinia. A richer looking part also. Ahhh to live the life..

And the mongrel patrol... (once again I have the knack of cocking up a potentially nice photo)

Monday, October 16, 2006
Tool, The Killers, Muse, Eskimo Joe...
Yes kids, it is my dream come true!! Big Day Out, bigger and better than ever *sigh*
In other news, I got back from Sardinia last night a little worse for wear.. what a trip! I think there's a reason Leah, Carol and I don't travel together! Disasters aside I still really enjoyed being near the ocean. I was never a huge beach person back home, but there was something so calming and right about standing on the sand as the waves crashed in... bring on Glenelg any day! Pictures and tales of calamity soon.
P.S. Can anyone think of a way for me to get out of my job here? I am day by day losing patience...
Yes kids, it is my dream come true!! Big Day Out, bigger and better than ever *sigh*
In other news, I got back from Sardinia last night a little worse for wear.. what a trip! I think there's a reason Leah, Carol and I don't travel together! Disasters aside I still really enjoyed being near the ocean. I was never a huge beach person back home, but there was something so calming and right about standing on the sand as the waves crashed in... bring on Glenelg any day! Pictures and tales of calamity soon.
P.S. Can anyone think of a way for me to get out of my job here? I am day by day losing patience...
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
I've become... comfortably/numb
Running (well, sort of 'running') on the treadmill yesterday I plugged my headphones into the gym's system (hooked up to four screens showing different things) and switched to the music channel just as No Doubt appeared. I realised.. I love Gwen Stefani. She is exactly what I who I would like to be like. Her style, her sound.. she's fantastic!

This was followed by Rogue Traders - which made me feel terribly homesick for a second as it gave me flashbacks of Sea and Vines last year - oh dear.
Then came Scissor Sisters. Now, I'm no faghag, but that Jake Shears is damn fine. I've never felt SO happy simply by hearing someone's voice and watching them move (except Maynard live, of course). Something in their new video sparked me into happy mode. I love their new album and hadn't seen any promo for it, but god damn it made me want to jump off the treadmill and start dancing right there and then. I need to go to a disco!!!

This was followed by Rogue Traders - which made me feel terribly homesick for a second as it gave me flashbacks of Sea and Vines last year - oh dear.
Then came Scissor Sisters. Now, I'm no faghag, but that Jake Shears is damn fine. I've never felt SO happy simply by hearing someone's voice and watching them move (except Maynard live, of course). Something in their new video sparked me into happy mode. I love their new album and hadn't seen any promo for it, but god damn it made me want to jump off the treadmill and start dancing right there and then. I need to go to a disco!!!

Saturday, October 07, 2006
Worksop (a stones throw from Sheriff of Nottingham's place)
Pronounced 'Warsop' not 'Warksop' (as some might say. not me of course.)
4 hours from London and I was living it up with Kazza in her hometown. Unfortunately, I only had about 5 hours there, so we got straight to business and headed for the nearest pub. It was very surreal physically being with someone from home.. and my second mum of all people! We, unfortunately, spent a lot of our time talking about Matt (no nasty, we weren't blowing sunshine up your arse) and how I will be missed at Christmas dinner (apparently the Johnny Walker 'incident' from '04 has not been forgotten).
Since Kazza is not good at goodbye's I lightened the mood by opening the doors after I got on the train and shouting down the platform "See you in Adelaide Kazza!! And don't forget my potato bake!!!" (which she PROMISED would be ready and waiting). I'm counting down the days.
4 hours from London and I was living it up with Kazza in her hometown. Unfortunately, I only had about 5 hours there, so we got straight to business and headed for the nearest pub. It was very surreal physically being with someone from home.. and my second mum of all people! We, unfortunately, spent a lot of our time talking about Matt (no nasty, we weren't blowing sunshine up your arse) and how I will be missed at Christmas dinner (apparently the Johnny Walker 'incident' from '04 has not been forgotten).
Since Kazza is not good at goodbye's I lightened the mood by opening the doors after I got on the train and shouting down the platform "See you in Adelaide Kazza!! And don't forget my potato bake!!!" (which she PROMISED would be ready and waiting). I'm counting down the days.

Thursday, October 05, 2006
Oleeeeee, ole, ole, oleeeee!!
It started with catching a TINY plane from Heathrow to Brussels - occupied by less than 50 people, half of which were part of a football team on their end of season trip. How I wished I was drinking with them. Our connecting flight from Brussels was delayed due to heavy rain. (Please note: Brussels is the worlds largest and most confusing airport EVER - after much frustration and laughter, we had to acquire a map of the airport to find check in and then to find the bar!!). Once on the plane (already 8 hours in transit) bottles of Johnny were ordered for all. We finally arrived around 10pm.... as we stepped outside I was hit with a feeling I hadn't felt in a long time... natural warmth!! It was 24 degrees - fantastic.
After finding our accommodation (We walked in just in time to hear our neighbours going for it. Welcome to Espanol!!) we hit Las Ramblas for a late night stroll. It was around 11pm, still about 23 degrees and there were people everywhere. The main drag was lined with human statues (freaky ones that yelled every once in a while. NOT funny) and, well, just people everywhere! As we made our way up the Ramblas, our attention was drawn to a hideous sight... "Hogan's", an 'Aussie' pub right there on the main street (and selling Fosters, no less). Ugh!!
The next day, Sunday, we woke up to a scorcher (and couldn't be happier). We ditched our shoes for thongs and hit the pavement. We made our way towards Port Vell where sitting overlooking the ocean made me feel homesick. It reminded me of home during the summertime.. fantastically sunny, steam beating off the pavement, smell of the ocean... waaah!! ;(
It was then we decided to head for the Sagrada Familia. As we popped out of the subway it loomed large behind us. Spinning around, I had to crane as far back as possible to see it in full. Before fully approaching it, it was time for.... gelati!! As we grabbed our icecream and headed for the park I got a call from Matt (saaafe!) - you always seem to call while I'm sightseeing!
After musing over this amazing structure (hard to call it a church as the inside is absolutely gutted and the roof is uncompleted!) it was off to bask in the 31 degree heat at the beach near the Olympic Port (sorry Matt, didn't quite get to the Olympic pool. But trust me, I WILL be returning!!). We finished the day off with another stroll of Las Ramblas then dinner with many jugs of sangria. Perfect!
Monday (28 degrees) saw us have breakfast on Las Ramblas and generally take in the sun. It was a special day and we were in no rush (yes, Tool were in town... I could feel it in my bones). Pre-Tool came a holiday tradition... Hard Rock Cafe. To our utter disappointment the bar was under construction and boarded up, but that didn't stop us from stopping in for dinner on our night of nights. I had just been given my cerveza when who but Wolfmother appear on the video screens... awesome! (Seems the Spaniards dig em too).
We finally found the Razzmataazz (an AWESOME little venue.. literally holds about 500 people MAX). Next. The ticket 'issue'. If you haven't been filled in on the pain we suffered at the hands of FUCKWIT COURIERS AT UPS I'm not going into it here. But, basically, after talking into a tiny window for ticket pickups and much loud talking and hand gestures a highly irritated Towsty came back with two tickets to paradise. We were well scared we'd never get in. Next came Andy's idea to thwart the security guards despite numerous warnings of what happens to those bring cameras into the venue. As I walked a step ahead of him he got literally pulled aside and there were Spanish comments a plenty (we had NO idea, but they were pissed). Andy was adamant that I go inside and wait... he was led up some dark staircase and I waited, and waited, and waited.... eventually he managed to dodge his way back down in the foyer and off we want. I had my fingers crossed nothing else would disrupt this evening!
The place was filling up quickly, it was SO hot and the stage was very small. Intimate, but when you're squashed in with hundreds, not so. 2 hours late they took the stage and my first live Tool experience was in full swing! I was mesmerised (I'm sorry, for non-OGT's, this part of the entry will mean nothing) I expected some grandiose show, but it was simple, pure and fucking awesome. Old tracks, new tracks and, the pinnacle, Lateralus. None of the crowd spoke english at all except 'SPIRAL OUT, KEEEEEP GOING'. The people next to us were literally singing guitar riffs due to lack of English skills... and they thought we were rad because we knew every word. To entice them out for an encore they started the mad soccer chant ("Olleeee, olleeeee, oleeee"!!), clapping madly. And I can't talk about this show without mentioning Maynard. He is god. He took the stage in hipster jeans and a cowboy hat, SO not what I expected. He spent most of the night gyrating and dancing oddly... absolutely brilliant! After a few tears (and another 30 minutes wait while Andy went to retrieve his confiscated camera) we retreated home, tired, SWEATY and fulfilled. Although I am conflicted on the quality of the show, it was still my first and one I'll never, ever forget.
The next day (a little overcast and cool), we dreadfully made our way back to the airport and off to London. I achieved my thong tan success - sock it to ya Leah!! And stupidly wore shorts home. As we descended the Captain announced that the curretn temperature at Gatwick was a lovely.... 11 degrees. Fanfuckingtastic.
After finding our accommodation (We walked in just in time to hear our neighbours going for it. Welcome to Espanol!!) we hit Las Ramblas for a late night stroll. It was around 11pm, still about 23 degrees and there were people everywhere. The main drag was lined with human statues (freaky ones that yelled every once in a while. NOT funny) and, well, just people everywhere! As we made our way up the Ramblas, our attention was drawn to a hideous sight... "Hogan's", an 'Aussie' pub right there on the main street (and selling Fosters, no less). Ugh!!
The next day, Sunday, we woke up to a scorcher (and couldn't be happier). We ditched our shoes for thongs and hit the pavement. We made our way towards Port Vell where sitting overlooking the ocean made me feel homesick. It reminded me of home during the summertime.. fantastically sunny, steam beating off the pavement, smell of the ocean... waaah!! ;(
It was then we decided to head for the Sagrada Familia. As we popped out of the subway it loomed large behind us. Spinning around, I had to crane as far back as possible to see it in full. Before fully approaching it, it was time for.... gelati!! As we grabbed our icecream and headed for the park I got a call from Matt (saaafe!) - you always seem to call while I'm sightseeing!
After musing over this amazing structure (hard to call it a church as the inside is absolutely gutted and the roof is uncompleted!) it was off to bask in the 31 degree heat at the beach near the Olympic Port (sorry Matt, didn't quite get to the Olympic pool. But trust me, I WILL be returning!!). We finished the day off with another stroll of Las Ramblas then dinner with many jugs of sangria. Perfect!
Monday (28 degrees) saw us have breakfast on Las Ramblas and generally take in the sun. It was a special day and we were in no rush (yes, Tool were in town... I could feel it in my bones). Pre-Tool came a holiday tradition... Hard Rock Cafe. To our utter disappointment the bar was under construction and boarded up, but that didn't stop us from stopping in for dinner on our night of nights. I had just been given my cerveza when who but Wolfmother appear on the video screens... awesome! (Seems the Spaniards dig em too).
We finally found the Razzmataazz (an AWESOME little venue.. literally holds about 500 people MAX). Next. The ticket 'issue'. If you haven't been filled in on the pain we suffered at the hands of FUCKWIT COURIERS AT UPS I'm not going into it here. But, basically, after talking into a tiny window for ticket pickups and much loud talking and hand gestures a highly irritated Towsty came back with two tickets to paradise. We were well scared we'd never get in. Next came Andy's idea to thwart the security guards despite numerous warnings of what happens to those bring cameras into the venue. As I walked a step ahead of him he got literally pulled aside and there were Spanish comments a plenty (we had NO idea, but they were pissed). Andy was adamant that I go inside and wait... he was led up some dark staircase and I waited, and waited, and waited.... eventually he managed to dodge his way back down in the foyer and off we want. I had my fingers crossed nothing else would disrupt this evening!
The place was filling up quickly, it was SO hot and the stage was very small. Intimate, but when you're squashed in with hundreds, not so. 2 hours late they took the stage and my first live Tool experience was in full swing! I was mesmerised (I'm sorry, for non-OGT's, this part of the entry will mean nothing) I expected some grandiose show, but it was simple, pure and fucking awesome. Old tracks, new tracks and, the pinnacle, Lateralus. None of the crowd spoke english at all except 'SPIRAL OUT, KEEEEEP GOING'. The people next to us were literally singing guitar riffs due to lack of English skills... and they thought we were rad because we knew every word. To entice them out for an encore they started the mad soccer chant ("Olleeee, olleeeee, oleeee"!!), clapping madly. And I can't talk about this show without mentioning Maynard. He is god. He took the stage in hipster jeans and a cowboy hat, SO not what I expected. He spent most of the night gyrating and dancing oddly... absolutely brilliant! After a few tears (and another 30 minutes wait while Andy went to retrieve his confiscated camera) we retreated home, tired, SWEATY and fulfilled. Although I am conflicted on the quality of the show, it was still my first and one I'll never, ever forget.
The next day (a little overcast and cool), we dreadfully made our way back to the airport and off to London. I achieved my thong tan success - sock it to ya Leah!! And stupidly wore shorts home. As we descended the Captain announced that the curretn temperature at Gatwick was a lovely.... 11 degrees. Fanfuckingtastic.
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