4 x shows (Barcelona RZZ, Glasgow Academy, Hammersmith Apollo x 2)
4 x tshirts/2 x posters/1 x stolen security poster/1 x bottle of holy water!!!
1,220 Pounds spent all up ($3050.00 - shudder)
18 hours and 20 minutes travelling
Approx 3000km
8 days
1 missed train
1 final call
10,000,000 dreams of MJK wearing that cowboy hat .... what?!
I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.
Maynard made the HUGE mistake of remarking 'Hopefully we'll see you in November'. After we settle debts incurred this time round it'll be time to rack up a whoooole lot more.
Now what do I do?

Ok, so, he is WITHOUT cowboy hat/gun belt buckle... but he's still nice to look at

listening to "30 songs for a revolution" of late, and although I know all the songs like a 15 year old southy knows Porcelain on sat night, it's good to here them all over again
I really need to get off my ar*e discover a bit more audioslave
anyway, of to port douglas for the week - min temp 20 with a max of 28. Anyway, it's almost at the end of the game, and the torch might need to be passed at weeks end
Ahhh RATM, good choice. I can't help but be offended by the similie you chose to reference. Being a FELLOW southy myself, I never became acquainted with the John, not even in my younger days (I offer a no honk guarantee).
Audioslave = da bomb. Chris Cornell singing anything would be a winner in fact.
Pt Douglas ey? Living the high life since leaving DECS I see. We're getting 28 degree weather this weekend too, fucking ace as Foo Fighters is tomorrow in Hyde Park - oh happy days.
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