Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Not the best

... weather or flattering photo, but here is just part of Sardina's coastline. We were lucky.. it was probably around 24/25 degrees this day and the water was relatively warm. We didn't care, the sea air smell was too inviting and we knew it would be too long before we had this chance again!

And here's a sunnier looking Sardinia. A richer looking part also. Ahhh to live the life..

And the mongrel patrol... (once again I have the knack of cocking up a potentially nice photo)
(Me, Leah, Jess, Carol & Rodda)


Anonymous said...

luv da hair in that last pic...the fresh out of bed look is baaaaaaaaack

Anonymous said...

The photo confirms it, You're a closet clog!! The netball kit, at least two other photo's on the blog, and an innate ability to talk sh*t (and listen to me).

You'll just have to watch out for the Bear's, their quite cranky this time of year.

Rez said...

I was thinking of you when I posed Renz! ;p

Sensei, you'll have to hook me up with a passport. The Dutch are clearly trying to call me home... the orange shirts, the mayo on fries.. they're all signs.

Anonymous said...

Let the peasants suffer with their sauce and gravy, mayo will rule the world once more!

Switched at Birth? I'll put the forms in pronto, special circumstances I'll call it

Cox plate satdy week, 12 retro suited roos for four days in the rainy city.... Surely the Argus'd keen for a scoop?