Friday, November 16, 2007

Accident ward, take 2 (this time I made it to the majors!)

Who would've thought I could make it 2 years in the UK and only admit myself to A&E once. Nope! Yesterday I yet again got to experience the wonder that is the UK health system. After seeing a nurse, a (what I'm guessing was a trainee) doctor, another doctor then a surgery doctor, my symptoms were diagnosed as inconclusive and I was sent on my way with some paracetemol and painkillers (albeit very good ones!). So, with my doctors booked out until November 28 I sit and hope this 'pain' (kidney, gallbladder, stomach.. whatever?!) subsides as I can't afford to waste another 5 hours of my life in waiting rooms.

Special thanks to Dyl my knight in shining armour who escorted me home - black cab and all! x

Mmm hospital food. Enough to make the pain slightly worse..


V said...

What happened to you?? I didnt hear this story! PS Happy Anniversary!!!!! x

Anonymous said...

ha ha!! i am assuming the inconclusive pain just disappeared?! Take care xo