Thursday, February 21, 2008

Calm blue ocean, calm blue ocean...

I have never in my life been more frustrated and at the same time so proud to be Australian. This morning I was presented with two situations:

1. Visiting the Australian Consular to have forms signed so I can get my drivers licence reissued.
2. Chasing my UK replacement passport.

The Consular did not take appointments and on arrival we were part of a group of 10 or so people. We sat tight only to find our numbers being called almost instantly. We were dealt with swiftly - and in such a friendly manner! 20 minute turnaround, tops.

Back to the office, and after 2 phone calls in the past week to Passport and Identity Service I figure things should be under control. How wrong I was.

Not only does Vanessa apparently still not exist - she never received the flipping forms to identify herself, then recieves two in one week!! (funnily enough both arriving AFTER we both call the office...), I receive a letter saying I need a new countersignature. No, that won't be happening and I press on with finding out when in the hell I'll be getting my passport, which by the way, they took payment for 2 months ago...

Come to present: V has in fact sent the forms back, they have not received them YET, and I will be checking next week. If all is well, I SHOULD have a passport in 3 to 4 weeks.

Problem #2. I want to travel internationally within that 3-4 week timeframe. I take full responsibility that it's up to me to have sorted my passport out long ago. But, I figure, I have a fully acceptable and valid Australian passport... surely I can use this in the meantime?

Cue: British Immigration Office (after 13 minutes of Vivaldi..)

Me: Hi, quick question.. I'm a dual citizen and am waiting on a replacement British passport. Is there any way I can travel to Europe on my Aussie passport?

Wanker: Does it have anything in it pertaining to you being a British citizen?

Me: What, like a visa? No, because I hold both passports seperately. I have a photocopy of my UK one?

Wanker: Well, you should wait. You can try to reenter the country but it's up to the discretion of the Immigration officer that day

Me: So basically it's a lucky draw with whoever is on the desk that day? There's no yes or no answer?

Wanker. Yep. Anything else?


So. Armed with my photocopy, my payslip, my NI card and anything else proving I am eligible to live and work in the UK my very next post could be from god knows where. Here goes nothing.

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