Thursday, September 29, 2005

You mean it's me peepers not me noggen?

I feel like I'm getting more and more dense. You could quiz me on anything about current pop culture (of course only relating to television, music and at a stretch sport) and I could probably ramble off a million quotes, facts et al.

I realise I know absolutely nothing about history, politics or current events in general. Is this a bad thing? I fear that one day I'll be stuck in one of those moments where you're standing around, most likely in a pub, and the conversation shifts gears. Someone makes a quip about a politicians flaw or their stance on whichever war has recently broken out and I'm left standing there with nothing to say. How do I gather this information? Am I actually capable of understanding it all anyway? Maybe it's because deep down I don't want to know.

Currently reading the history of England.. it seemed logical as I'm going to live there for 12 months, I thought it would at least be able to hold my interest as they have quite a rich tapestry. But no. I'm finding my attention drawn away at the slightest of things - sleep mostly. Then I thought, fuck, I've been living in Australia for 21 years and I couldn't even tell you who the last 4 Prime Ministers were or who I last voted for (and definitely wouldn't want to admit that I voted by a random number picking game resembling Keno).

Argh. I think it's time I went to the library and borrow some of those novels I was supposed to read in High School but never did. Maybe a week without television. Perhaps no alcohol either. On second thought I think ruling out television will do for now.

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