Thursday, September 29, 2005

You're fucking kidding, right?

8 weeks and 6 days til DECS sees the back of me. It's almost scary to think I have to finish up everything within that space of time, work wise. My slackness will be my downfall. It's not looking like they'll get my position up for permanency in that time, shame, but I know I'm guaranteed something on my return.

Got my British passport yesterday. I'm officially a dual citizen... what kind of country wants to own us?? A smart one.

Having to pack up and leave the place I'm housesitting in just over two weeks.. it's weird, I'll pack my life up, plonk it down where I started then have to do it all over again in a months time. My head is very much in two places. It'd be so easy to remain here and keep on this path just a bit longer, but I guess that's what motivated me to leave in the first place.

In brighter news... Franz Ferdinand will be playing their last England show (before coming to Oz - ARGH) the day after we land... I really REALLY want to go. Not sure if it's feasible given we'd have only been there a day, but I'm sure I can work something out.

On an even brighter note, I love that so many people have started thinking about travel or their friendship with me because of my departure.. I've had some very odd and some very surreal conversations with people I didn't expect to. It's going to be so hard to say goodbye! *sniff*

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