Thurs 15th March
Az, Carol, Loz, Leah and I went and saw the filming of The Dame Edna Show! Was so weird being in a studio.. I never knew how TV worked. It's so different to what you see! Sigourney Weaver, Mischa Barton and Michael Bolton (YES we had to listen to him sing - UGH) were guests. Highly entertaining.
We drank in the line to get in (who puts an offy across the road from the National Film Theatre?!) and Carol and I (in our wisdom) decided we were going to continue with a traveller from Waterloo station, stopping in at The Edward. Lo and behold we ran into someone we knew (could Hammersmith be smaller?) and then there were three.
Robyn ended up at the Reddy - from which I made her whip home for an impromptu party where Carol, Robs, Me and Big Wave Dave stopped Aimee from sleeping for the next 3 hours. 4am and rather tipsy, it was time for bed.
Friday 16th March
Waking to Dave's alarm at 6am was unpleasant, to say the least. My head was vodka soaked and I decided to turn my half-day into a full day holiday. I laid in front of my window all morning catching the sun and trying to let the fresh air rejuvenate me. By 1pm we decided we need to harden the fuck up (what a phrase) and get into some Irish spirit (aka beers).
By 3pm all of us were on the way to the airport with our Hobo in tow (Aimee's new nickname... who the FUCK wears trackpants out of the house and to the airport?!). A few wines on the plane and we were ready to bounce back when we hit the ground. We checked into our trusty Hostel and ventured into town. After going from shitty dive to shitty dive we found the funkiest little bar down a side alley. Very grungey and there was a live band - result!! I fell in love with the bass player (as you do).. so energetic and loving the music. After Leigh and I left, Corey (unbeknowns to us) hooked us up with guest-list entry to their gig the next night. Double result!!
Saturday 17th March
We arose early and headed into town to stock up on Irish garb - if we were going to be tourists on their day of days, we were going to do it properly!! We spoke to a delightful woman in the cafe where we had breakfast who gave us the lowdown on where to get supplies and where the best bars were.
Back in our hostel we adorned all green jewellry and hair ties, plastered ourselves with shamrock tattoo's and planted our new hats (Irish flag viking hats with green plaits?!) on our heads and toddled to the parade.
The parade was somewhat lacking. Rather than greenness and leprechauns it was community members and school dance troupes hard-selling their causes. "Bugger this!" we thought and toddled off to The Old Oak. Our lovely confidante from the morning was right. This pub was heaving and the rugby was on every screen... time to find out where the craic was! Ireland beat Italy (wahoo!) then France spolied the party (controvertially so) by taking the Series trophy when they beat Scotland. We didn't sulk for long - time to dance! With our new Aussie friends from Clapham we danced to the live band until we could dance no more. It was time to make our way to The Savoy.
Robyn and I managed to get out, whilst the others got lost in the crowd somewhere. So, we found The Savoy and asked if we were on the list - we were! (as if!) but we all had to enter together. Problem. We all had to have ID. Problem. After a trek back to our rooms and a rummage for all passports we all, eventually, go inside. This place was MASSIVE (I later found out it's the biggest cinema in Ireland?) the band were playing the foyer and we were ready to rumble. They recognised Corey from the night before - despite him being WAY too drunk to be there! The rest of the night was pretty much a blur except for actually speaking with cute bass boy (aka Nick). He gave us his number in case they ever make it to London. Here's hoping! (Edit: They have since messaged me - we're going for pints over Easter - woo!!)
Sunday 18th March
4 hours later I woke up with Leigh at my feet. The night before we had decided that we'd top/tail as we were sharing a single bed and we didn't quite fit the night before (even funnier.. we were sharing the bottom of a bunk bed). I had no idea how I got 'home' I just knew I needed to get out of that stinkin room! (6 people in a 4x4 space is homely to say the least!). We dragged ourselves out into town by 10:30 and it was fecking COLD!! The temperature had dropped severely overnight and now we had a full day on our hands before flying back to London.
We settled into some cafe and let a few hours pass over breakfast. We had all god intentions of visiting the Blarney stone but at this point we all knew if we'd have hung over the edge of that castle the stone would've been in store for a lot more than that. We got the brilliant idea of finding a local cinema - so we spent the next 4 hours watching Charlotte's Web and Premonition - and all for the low price of 6 euros!
With much popcorn and frozen slushy in us we were ready to collect our bags and make our way to the airport, leaving Corey behind for one more day (and wondering how to transport the 2 stolen Cork river lifesavers we acquired the night before.
What a quaint little place - one I must visit again, perhaps on a less 'demanding' weekend!
(Photos to come shortly)
P.S. Following weekend discussions, this is where I'll be in October

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