Last night Az and I saw Nine Inch Nails @ Brixton. Two words. Fucking AMAZING!!!
Coming off the back of a rather large Saturday night I didn't think I was going to make it. However, by some miracle (including copious amounts of sun, fresh air and codeine) we were off to Richmond at around 4pm, refreshed (ish) and ready to have a few drinks with Dyl and his mates before the mission to Brixton (UGH and what a mission, but I can't be arsed recalling it as it was an absolute mare).
By the time we made it to Brixton it was heaving.. there were black leather jackets and long matted hair everywhere. We nestled ourselves up the back and got settled in with a pint and not long after they hit the stage. I have never seen a set up like it before, it was insane. Basically there was no main lighting for the show and as they played lighting rigs (positioned not very far from their heads) flashed. They also had huge light bulbs hanging above each of their heads and if they felt the need, which Jeordie did a hell of a lot, they had ropes to swing the lights around making the set look even madder. (Clearly, it's hard to describe but WELL worth going to see if the chance were available).
Half way through the set there was a mad drum piece.. I was watching the guy play thinking he was absolutely amazing and that his playing looked so familiar... turns out my suspicions were correct.. it was Josh Freese. As IF I was in the presence of two of my favourite musicians of all time on one stage. I was literally in heaven.
To add to that, while we were standing by the bar Az saw a tour shirt on the ground that people were stepping on and noone seemed to own. So, he points and goes 'Rez, you dropped your shirt!', I picked it up and noone batted an eyelid... so I ran to the merch stand, swapped it for a smaller (and cleaner) size! Bingo was his name-o!
They ended with Hurt and Head Like A Hole and the place went FRICKING MENTAL. It was brilliant. We walked away thoroughly content, complete with a new addition to our rock 'n roll hallway of fame (Trent, you'll look amazing on our walls) and ready for ROCK's NIN album launch in April. BRING IT ON!!

1 comment:
Hahahaha!!! How lucky are you???
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