Monday, May 18, 2009

No laptop and no net connection make Rez something, something

Wow, ok.. last post was just after being robbed. Which now seems so far away, well it would if we hadn't been robbed a mere 4 months later!!! Luckily (I say that tongue in cheek, really) I had nothing taken. The fuckers ransacked my room worse than last time but missed my ipod THANK YOU GOD!!!! I still don't have a laptop but sweet justice prevailed... the guy who robbed us the second time round was caught on an unrelated charge and confessed to several thefts in the area. He is in jail now. Good times.

To more good times from 2009... Marrakech with Andy in January after farewelling Rob for a second time when he came to stay while trying to sell his van tour van, New York and LA to be reunited with Matt and help him on his transition to London (finally!!!!!!!) - have too much to say about the US for this time and space except to say that I am definitely going back and definitely applying for a work visa, Cardiff on the May bank holiday and many awesomeness gigs - Missy Higgins (Terminal 5, NYC), Ben Lee (Free gig! Indigo, O2 Arena), Chris Cornell/White Lies/Ladyhawke at free NME gig (after 2 failed attempts, Chris finally shows up when I'm supposed to see him!), Living End (who tore Koko a new one! No bias..), Pink (how she performs acrobatics and sings at the same time I'll NEVER know) and Juliette Lewis. Amazingly, ahead I've still got Cold War Kids this evening (arh!), Faith No More and Eagles of Death Metal next month (double arh!!!) and Green Day in October following my third Reading Festival. I am going to miss all this city has to offer one day.

Add to that watching the Oxford/Cambridge boat race for the first time since arriving in London, surviving the G20 Summit which was demonstrated at about 50metres from my place of work, seeing Priscilla the stage show (brilliant), V and I celebrating our third anniversary with drinks atop the Gherkin (followed by much drinking and karaoke), finally visiting Abbey Road and doing 'the' crossing; and I'd say that it's been a damn good year so far - and I've not even hit the dreaded 25 (that's tomorrow...).

Oh and I recently moved house, I'm now residing in Wandsworth. Yes, I am a sooowfsider, innit. Was about time I rejuvenated my love of London with a change of pace and setting. Bring on summer in Clapham Common!