Monday, June 26, 2006

Can't sit down, can't stand up...

.... cause if I do I know I'm gonna break

Yes, the inevitable has finally happened. Whilst at a houseparty on Saturday night (well, Sunday morning), I tripped on a step onto wooden floors and injured myself. After walking - well, shuffling - home (it was about 40 houses down from us and I screamed the entire way) I dosed up on mersyndol and passed out until about 4pm Sunday afternoon.

After waking up feeling a bit sore and not remembering the fall, I got out of bed and proceeded to fall down, again. Thankfully Ange and Megs were home and helped me get to the bathroom. After the tears subsided Ange, our resident nurse, gave me some painkillers and put ice on my foot. She had today off and decided we'd go to A&E first thing as it's a known fact you can wait up to 4 hours for treatment. And wait we did...

After 5 hours, 3 consults and 1 x-ray it was discovered that I had badly sprained the medialcollateral ligament in my left knee and fractured the 5th metatarsel in my right foot. So, if you hadn't already figured, this meant that neither of my legs were quite suitable to walk on. Hobbling home with some dodgy bandages and crutches I am now confined to bed for a few days. Whats worse is that my new work contract began today. I am known for making good first impressions....


Anonymous said...

It's official, as news of my engagement circulates, you can be passed the torch and become a master of the house of debauchery and a full member of the Southwan clan.

Now, you must remember, there are certain rules and responsibilities that you must adhere:
a) You can take on one and only one padawan, at any time
b) You can still refer to mwa as master [name], although I can refer to you as my former padawan
c) Any news rules (not that we really have any), must be codified first by the Southwan council (me and you), then by the full high council (Lorenzo and I) and perhaps anyone with similiar shady history)
d) After guiding a young padawan to the depths of depravity, then you may be asked to join the high council

Rez said...

Gee, thats a big responsibility.. I'm not sure I'm ready.. you can't leave your free-wheeling, fun loving Sensei days behind! What will I do without you?!

Ok, ok... let's think about this rationally.. I'm sure there are some young, naive, Australians over here just waiting for the house of Southwan to show them the way. I take it upon myself to seek them out and give the guidance they so obviously require.

Anonymous said...

Don't be sad, my fun and free wheeling days are not totally behind me, I'm just formally retiring from a few of the fine arts.... mainly those involving debauchery, but will still practice the indulgences of liquor, late nights, and the odd bit of story telling

Trust me my former padawan, there are impressionable young 18-21 yrs aplenty! A remember, everyone loves a good story ;)

Rez said...

Especially those involving bottles of canola cooking oil and the odd D.S :{)

Anonymous said...

lol....I'm suprised it didn't fall reaching for the bottle of meadow lea....

The song is almost over