Tuesday, August 22, 2006

One more thing to tick off the list

So, last night - after a day of recovery from Meg's last stand at the Reddy (but I'll write about that later... pics and all muahaha!) - Carol, Maree and I found ourselves at the London Kabbalah Centre sitting in on an introductory seminar.

Now. We are by no means religious (and for the record, Kabbalah is not a religion), nor were we seeking spiritual enlightenment. The flyer read 'A free seminar on positive thinking!'. 'What the hell!' we thought... after Carol eventually told me where it was being held we both twigged that this could perhaps be a sales pitch. (Were we ever right!) Our better judgement aside we thought, bugger it, let's see what this is all about.

1 hour later the 'gates' in our minds were opening... we knew we were ready to 'receive the light and energy from all the sources around us'..... if only I could've banished Papa Don't Preach and thoughts of Madge from my mind so I could hear the Teacher speak.


Seriously though, our introduction to this spiritual path was quite interesting. The only things I had heard about Kabbalah previously were thanks to the media and it's articles on Madonna or any other celebrity of the moment. Some interesting reading folks.

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