Tuesday, October 10, 2006

I've become... comfortably/numb

Running (well, sort of 'running') on the treadmill yesterday I plugged my headphones into the gym's system (hooked up to four screens showing different things) and switched to the music channel just as No Doubt appeared. I realised.. I love Gwen Stefani. She is exactly what I who I would like to be like. Her style, her sound.. she's fantastic!

This was followed by Rogue Traders - which made me feel terribly homesick for a second as it gave me flashbacks of Sea and Vines last year - oh dear.

Then came Scissor Sisters. Now, I'm no faghag, but that Jake Shears is damn fine. I've never felt SO happy simply by hearing someone's voice and watching them move (except Maynard live, of course). Something in their new video sparked me into happy mode. I love their new album and hadn't seen any promo for it, but god damn it made me want to jump off the treadmill and start dancing right there and then. I need to go to a disco!!!

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