Thursday, March 15, 2007

Sump'ns up in da hood

The road I live on comes off Hammersmith Grove...

Last night I got home about 7:30 no worries. Aimee gets home about 1.5 hours later all freaked out saying there was a guy lying on the street bleeding and there were police everywhere and she thought he was dead... she was freaked that they hadn't covered him up. Then this morning as I walked (well, tried to) to work all the streets within a kilometre radius had blue and white police tape up and cops on every corner stopping cars (and people in most cases) using the roads.

I'm a bit mad at myself. I didn't feel sad, scared or upset... I was more excited like thinking "where'd it happen??". Hmmm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nuthin to wurry bout plonka!

They was just filmin' a scene from da BILL.