Tuesday, November 07, 2006


17 days with no money in the bank... what do you do? WHAT DO YOU DO??

You attempt to live off the free water at work whlist rummaging through your housemates food left in the fridge late at night. Yes kids, it's come to the ultimate moment where I become the skintest person on earth. After getting into the red this month (Read: DEBT IS BAD) I have no other choice - no, my Australian credit card is NOT the answer - but to lay extremely low for the next 3 weeks. Challenge accepted! (and did I mention I'll be popping into ASDA to do my grocery shopping this week?? *shudder*).

Wish me well.


Anonymous said...

haha umm rez.. your HOUSEMATES READ THIS :P

Rez said...

Yeah, so better start locking their cupboards!!! (Yes, that is a threat!)

Anonymous said...

hahha we'll i'm safe.. its not as if anyone would eat wash powder... *re-thinks* *locks cupboard*