Sunday, December 04, 2005

Mind the gap!

Day four!

So much to say so little time to say it in. We went out with Towsty yesterday to see Big Benn, the Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey and the London Eye. The line was huge so decided although it was a wonderfully clear day we'd go again later. Caught the tube out to Camden Town and got aboslutely drenched once we reached the markets. It was hilarious to say the least. I expected more of the Camden Markets, maybe it was the weather and crowds. It was still an experience.. a very interesting part of London. Ended up in the Halfway House across from the tube as by 4pm everyone was making a beeline to leave. Ahhh £2.50 pints of cider. Nothing better.

Has been good spending some time with Andrew. Lots of handy hints and story swapping going on. 6 months is a long time for him to have gone through so much and us back in Adelaide to have done nothing at all!

Still feeling tired and lethargic but ploughing on. I think next weekend we'll have our first rager. Looking at going to a mid week beer festival since we haven't started working yet. Why the hell not!

Loving London still, the weather has been very kind to us. It's still around the 8-11 degree range and has only rained once.

Can't think of things to say. Backdated a post from the plane. Funny reading over my tired scrawlings.

Back to job and house hunting!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Im so glad you're having a great time. Just a tad bit jealous sitting here at home! Cant wait for the next installment.

Meanwhile this email and blog stuff is so cool.. i'd forgotten. Thanks for dragging me into the 21st century!

love you my darling xxx Bec